Gabriele Breucha is a diplomized Oecotrophologist (Dipl. Oec. troph. = Nutritional Scientist) plus a licensed Healing Practitioner (HP) and Psychotherapist with her own practice in Munich.
Further, she is a professional consultant on Bioidentical Hormones and an expert in Eastern and Western Astrology, in Homeopathy and Phytotherapy.
Anselm Keussen is a Dr. med./ MD as a General Practioner, specialized in Depth-Psychology based Psychotherapy and is licensed as a Doctor for Psychotherapy, working in his practice in Munich, Germany.
After finishing his university training in medical sciences (LMU Munich and one year of 4th year electives at St. Louis University Medical School, in neurology, neurophysiology lab and neonatal intensve care unit), he joined the COLOMAN therapy center - out in nature near Wasserburg and in Munich - as a medical psycho-therapist (1981).
While studying in St. Louis, he also met his first wife. Later they had a daughter together, who is a mother herself by now, married and working as a teacher.
In the beginning, Janov's Primal Therapy plus Encounter groups were applied frequently. Only to be followed by Rebirthing, Gestalt, Transactional Analysis = TA and Core-/ Bioenergetics as well as Rolfing, Postural Integration and various forms of Gentle Body-Work and Massage.
Later Hakomi, video-assisted work and the more systemic, or rather hypno-systemic, approaches of Milton Erikson's work, Family Therapy work, NLP and Bert Hellinger's Systemic Family Constellations were employed also.
Besides, a host of spiritual programmes and groups were going on, from Christian Meditation practices to ZEN and Shamanism (dancing, drumming, sweat-lodges etc.), including work with a samadhi tank as well. Dr. Anselm Keussen worked there from 1981-1994.
During this time, he also wrote his dissertation on:
"The Meta-Model of Psychoanalysis" - An Actualisation of Freud's 'Project of a Psychology for Neurologists' from the perspective of modern neuro-physiology, psychology, and clinical psychotherapy - (1984).
Later on, he specialized in Depth-Psychology based Psychotherapy and started his own practice as a licensed Medical Psychotherapist (1991).
In 1985 Anselm - and since 1992 both of us - got in contact with Sathya Sai Baba, who deeply inspired, impressed and guided us - not only during several stays at his Ashrams in Puttaparthi and Brindavan, but also in our night-to-night, day-to-day life. Although he is physically 'absent' since 2011, we continue to feel Sai Baba's loving and healing presence in many ways.
From 1990-1994 Gabriele und Anselm were working at the COLOMAN institute as a couple, married since 1992, seeing patients, couples and families, as well as leading groups, as they still are doing in their individual practices and together.